Sujet du BAC SM/SE Anglais
I. Finish or begin the "if" clause using the words in parentheses. 2 examples are given below.
Example 1 : If I had had 25000000, (to build a villa). If I had had 25000000GF, I would have built a villa
Example 2 : (To cat the meat), I would be strong. If I ate the meat, I would be strong.
If she had a phone, (to call her family).___________________________________________________________
If I had had a villa , (to have a good life)__________________________________________________________
(To study well ), you would pass the Bac__________________________________________________________
(Not to be sick), you would go dancing___________________________________________________________
I had been a good footballer, (to play in Real Madrid)________________________________________________
II. Write a question corresponding to each of these answers.
Mount Loura is located in Mali__________________________________________________________________
The university of Conakry is about 40 years old.____________________________________________________
Yes, I went to boké yesterday.__________________________________________________________________
I have been studying in this lycée for 3 years.______________________________________________________
The Titanic sank in 1912.______________________________________________________________________
III.Write a short paragraph about your plant when you leave school.
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