Sujet du BAC SM/SE Anglais



Profils : Sciences Mathématiques / Sciences Expérimentales
Epreuve de : Anglais
Coefficient : 2
Durée : 2 heures


Write a tag corresponding to each of these statements. example: It's hot, ......Isn't it?........(3pts)

  1. Everyone should respect the school rules....................? 4. Tondon is a big village of Dubreka.....................? 
  2. hey haven't built a school yet.................................? 5. You won't invite us for the party.................................?
  3. Binta and you both wim every day..............................? 6. He plays tennis every sunday...............................?

Choose the correct word from the list below to fill in the blank in each of the following sentences (2pts)

As who like where which's when mine

  1. My is Guinea                                            5. This girl looks....................her mother.
  2. Did you meet the person....................stole your book.      6. This is not my book....................has been stolen
  3. did he steal ?                       7. You should do this were told to do.
  4. He stole it................I was eating in the canteen. 8. I have been to a place....................people enjoy hot food

Complete the sentence by reporting the speaker's words in a non clause. Use past verb forms in noun clauses if appropriate Number 1 and 2 are given as examples (3pts)

  1. Aminata said,"I will help you"............................................................................................................................ 
  2. "Do you need a pen ?" Fodé asked...................................................................................................................
  3. Alphadio said, "I don't want to go"......................................................................................................................
  4. Jean asked "Where is Victorine ?".....................................................................................................................
  5. "Why is the sky blue" my daughter often asks.................................................................................................. 
  6. "Is what I have heard true ?"..............................................................................................................................
  7. "sentences with noun clause learn English because of its importance in the world”.........................................

Rearrange these jumbled letters to make words for jobs , verbs, and adjectives. (3pts)

Marfer................................    Ceni................................  persexs...............................celinampo................................ Dustent..............................    lygu................................ hernamfis.................................demoshan............................ Knith..................................    tewir................................ roptimant.................................tea........................................

Complete these sentences. Add commas where necessary. (3pts)

  1. If I had eaten breakfast several hours ago........................................................................................................ 
  2. If It hadn't rained................................................................................................................................................
  3.  If it weren't raining.............................................................................................................................................
  4. Can you imagine what life would be like if.........................................................................................................
  5. Toto has such a bad memory that he (to forget).................................................his head if it (be, not) ......................................attached to his body.

Complete the first blank with have or has and the second blank with since or forin each of the following sentences (2pts)

  1. Guinea........................................been independent................1958. 
  2. Touré and Lelano.....................helped their friends.................... many years.
  3. I................................been married to Rose...................the creation date of our organization.
  4. Karamoko............................had this car..........................two years.

Rewrite the following paragraph changing the simple present to the simple past. Make all necessary changes . (4pts)

Every Sunday, Elizabeth wakes up at seven thirty and eats breakfast. At eight o'clock she takes her shower. At about nine o'clock she goes to the market to buy some rice and sweet potato leaves. From ten to twelve thirty she cooks lunch for her family . At on o'clock , she has lunch with all the members of her family. She sleeps from one thirty to around three. In the afternoon, she visits her friends. In the evening, she revises her lessons and goes to bed at ten p.m.

Use the back of this sheet to write your paragraph. Change the hours in letter form (seven thirty) into number form (7:30) start like this: Last Sunday, elizabeth woke up at 7:30 and ...........................................................................................................................

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