Sujet du BAC SM/SE Anglais



Profils : Sciences Mathématiques / Sciences Expérimentales
Epreuve de : Anglais
Coefficient : 2
Durée : 2 heures


  1. Use the map below to describe your direction or itinerary from Ali’s house to the school. Use the back of this sheet to write description. (5pts)

Description : C:\Users\Mr Celestin GOUMOU\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.Word\IMG_E5249.jpg

  1. Circle the correct verbe tense in the following sentences.

Number 1 is an example. (4pts)                           

  1. Bangoura had Tv on, but he hasn’t watched it /  wasn’t watching it/ isn’t watching it/ dordn’t watch it.
  2. Hey Alpha ! Look at Doré coming, he doesn’t wear/was not wearing his uniform now, why ?
  3. Aminata went / has gone/ had gone/ was going to Boké yesterday.
  4. If Aissatou’s father has much money, he will send / would send / would have sent her to England.
  5. Aminata sent her daughter to France last week, did he ?/ didn’t he ?/ did she ?/didn’t she ?
  1. Complete the sentence using either the comparative or superlative of the words in parenthesis, depending on which is applicable. (5pts)
  1. Fatou is……………………..than her sister(strong)
  2. Lamine and Issa are………………………….than the rest of the students in math.(intelligent)
  3. His phone is the……………………….one. (valuable)
  4. That boy over there is the………………… football player. (bad)
  5. Cisse and Mara are……………………than Thierno and Mariame.(Nice)
  1. Complete the following table. (6pts)




Meaning in French









To eat








To tell


















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