Sujet du BAC SM/SE Anglais



Profils : Sciences Mathématiques / Sciences Expérimentales
Epreuve de : Anglais
Coefficient : 2
Durée : 2 heures


  1. Use some or any with one of the words from the box to complete the sentences below.
    Money, shampoo, rice, languages, photographs, problems, chairs, air, batteries, milk, friends, cheese
    1. She can’t buy a drink for her baby. She hasn’t got……………………
    2. I want to wash my there ………………
    3. I’m going to the market to buy………………………
    4. Can you speak    ……………… Upper Guinea
    5. Binta hasn’t got her Camera, so she can’t take ……………
    6. Sorry, we’re late. We had …………….    with the car
    7. Everybody was standing because there weren’t    ………. in the room
    8. Its’s very hot in this room. Let’s go out for ……… Fresh 
    9. Why isn’t phone working? are there ……………………………………              in it 
    10. Can I have ……… in my coffee, please 
    11. Last night, I went to a night club with …………  of mine 
    12. Would you like   ……. ? No, thanks. I’ve had enough to eat 
  2. Write the following cardinal and ordinal numbers in letters
    2555 ………………………….
    888th ………………………….
    101st ………………………….
    2012 ………………………….
    43rd ………………………….
    3412 ………………………….
  3. Write whether the sentences in the table are comparatives or superlatives of equality, degree, inequality, superiority or inferiority.
    Comparative and superlative sentences Type of comparatives or superlatives
    Senegal is not so green as Guinea  
    Guinea has the most beautiful landscape in west Africa  
    It is getting hotter and hotter on our planet  
    My French teacher is less convincing than my English  
    Koundara is as hot as Siguiri   
    Jose is the least handsome in our class  
    Life in a city more interesting than life in a village  
    Fanta is not as tall as her brother  

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