Sujet du BAC SS Anglais



Profils : Sciences Sociales
Epreuve de : Anglais
Coefficient : 3
Durée : 3 heures


I. Read this letter an NGO wrote from financial assistance and answer the following questions that follow. (5pts)   

Presently in siguiri there is one room school in a private school. In September, the owner wishes to reside in the building. If another school is not built, students will not be able to attend classes. To solve this problem a three classroom school must be built in the district. If this school is built the ministry of education will provide new teachers. Once the project is approved and our community receives the money, I will managed it. The cement, the roofs, and the roofing materials will be bought in kankan. If you need proof and purchases, I will send you the receipts. I will also send you a detailed description of what is being done if you need more information.    
look forward to your response I remain sincerely yours.   
1. what is the problem to be addressed by the community ?    
2. how is project funds security guaranteed ?    
3. Where will the construction materials come from ?    
4. What will happen if the project is not completed on time ?    
5. Who will benefit from the school ?...................    

II. The following are hypothetical sentences. Complete them. (5pts)    
Example: If I were you I would accept their invitation     
1. If they had enough money,...............  
2. If lived in America,............................ 
3. If he wasn't busy,..............................   
4. If she went to hospital,......................  
5. If I had enough time now,.................

III. Give short answers to the following questions using the second conditional. (5pts)    
What would you do...............

1. If you could speak English well?.............    
2. If you went to school in a foreign country?..........................
3. If you had twenty million Guinean francs?....................     
4. If you lost the key to your house?..............     
5. If you got a scholarship to study in ?............

IV. Write your own proposal to the USAID asking for funds to carry out a development project in your local community as in    
V. Write at least 10 sentences using "if" clauses with the second conditional. ( you can write at the back of this page) (5pts) 

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